The Busy Nothings Report

" was a quick succession of busy nothings... " - Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show." -Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

My Photo
Location: Waleska, Georgia, United States

Spiritual, Eccentric, Opinionated, Pale, Contemplative, Joyful, Benign, Ailing, Classical, Restrained, Complicated, Uncoordinated, Observant, Misunderstood, Wannabe Wit, Very Blessed

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Appearance of Rainbow at Auschwitz during Pope's Visit

I have to admit, this story has stirred something in my soul. (Yeah, even more than all of my posts about Taylor Hicks.) Over the weekend the new holy father, Pope Benedict, was visiting the Nazi death camp Auschwitz. While he was there, an absolutely beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. I know that the religious cynics will say that it was just a coincidence- personally, I don’t believe in coincidence. That this happened to this particular pope is so amazing. A couple of days before, the Holy Father celebrated Mass in Poland (the home of his predecessor Pope John Paul II)- 900,000 people attended!!! It gives me goose bumps just to think about it.

This is what a reporter said from the often liberal TIME Magazine-

Almost as if on cue, as Benedict's voyage to Auschwitz drew toward its close early Sunday evening, the wind picked up and a cool rain began to fall. The final ceremony began with the Pope pausing to pray at memorials in the different languages of the 1.5 million killed. But by the time he reached the final plaque, the rain had stopped, the umbrellas were tucked away, and the pack of reporters noticed that across the broad field of half-standing brick barracks of Birkenau, a vivid rainbow had appeared. The editors of TIME, like those who A. M. Rosenthal worked for back in the 1950s, would surely not normally consider this news. But on a day that the German Pope came to Auschwitz to ponder God’s silence, that surprising explosion of colors seemed well worth reporting.

To view the entire article please click here.

God bless!!!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Water Slide: buy this for your kids or they will hate you

I spied this monstrosity at Wally World (a.k.a.- world dominator, and bane of all humanity, Wal-Mart) yesterday. It is a gigantic, inflatable water slide. It didn’t look as cool in real-life as it does in this pic. The best part is that you can soothe your guilty conscious by indulging your neglected, runny-nosed, latch-key rug rats for a mere $249.77!!! Back in my day, if you were cool, you had a Slip ‘N Slide. So, naturally, I didn’t have one. Though, my kid brother and I had a “ghetto” Slip ‘N Slide. My Folks were too cheap to buy us a real one, but they did break open the wallet to spring for a roll of black plastic tarp (damn, that thing got hot) and free rein over the water hose. Talk about a deprived childhood. I may need therapy.

If you are bored check out this moderately amusing video of some college guys demonstrating an indoor ghetto Slip ‘N Slide.

Have a happy Memorial Day- hug a veteran!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Just a Few Chips Short of a Bag

Holely chip! Get it?

In more news of the weird, a Michigan woman claims that she found the image of an angel emblazed on a potato chip. I don’t know… I really don’t see it. To me it just looks like a potato chip with a big hole in it. I would be really upset if this is the work of God- doesn’t he have anything better to do? When it comes to food resembling religious icons, I still prefer the nun bun.

The nun bun, a cinnamon roll which is said to resemble the late Mother Teresa, was stolen last year from the Tennessee coffee shop that produced it.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Marie Antoinette Booed in France… AGAIN!

Pretty in Pink: Kirsten Dunst (center) as the notorious French queen.

Back in the day, Marie Antoinette was beheaded for infuriating the people of France. This week the former French queen was renounced… again… sort of. It is being reported that at its debut screening at the Cannes Film festival, in France, director Sofia Coppola’s rock-n-roll interpretation of the abbreviated life of Marie Antoinette was booed. This is a bit disappointing, but I am still really looking forward to seeing this film (surprisingly, entitled Marie Antoinette). It is in my list of the top five films that I can‘t wait to see- which I will be posting here very soon.

To check out the early trailer for Marie Antoinette click here.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Postscript: American Idol Season Finale... FREAK SHOW!

I love Taylor Hicks, because he is cheesy- cheesy in a good way. Last night's American season finale was defiantly cheesy… but in (mostly) rather disturbing ways. None-the-less, it was still pretty darn entertaining. Here are just a few of my favorite freak show moments from the 2 hour broadcast. Most of these moments occurred when a few of the finalists sang duets with “established” artists.

Somewhere in the deep dark corridors of the refrigerator, rock-ballad recording artist Meat Loaf was found (ironically, behind a piece of month-old meatloaf), defrosted and shoved onto the Idol stage to perform with finalist Katharine McPhee. He pretty much looked like he had no idea where he was, or what he was supposed to be singing. Poor Kat! She looked like a deer in headlights, but she did a very good cover for Loaf. The whole stunt was flippin’ awesome!

Rocker, Chris Daugherty performed with his favorite band, Live. Though, I wasn’t really sure who was Chris and who was Live's front man Ed Kowalczyk- talk about separated at birth!!!! It was beyond obvious that Mr. Daugherty had studied every nuance of Live‘s lead singer- down to his voice inflection, stage presence and "Mr. Clean" bald head. Maybe Chris is a lab-created clone of Mr. Kowalczyk? I always thought there were strange things a foot with Live after the release of their album Throwing Cooper. They just got weird, especially Ed Kowalczyk. Hmmmmmm...

Former Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken, surprised an obsessed, look-a-like, tone def Idol hopeful with a duet of his own. (BTW, the kid went ape sh*! when he relized that he was sharing the stage with his idol.) Clay was sporting a new haircut that looked as though it was modeled after Tom Hanks' Da Vinci Code hairdo... only creepier... if that is possible.

Then there was the man of soul, Taylor Hicks (whom, I have dubbed, "The Cabbage Patch George Clooney"), singing his duet. This is where it really gets good. Taylor sang the song he did during Elvis week; the extremely poignant, In the Ghetto- accompanied by Toni Braxton... dressed like an angel... who happens to be a striper... what the heck?!?! (Wait for it- the best part is coming.) Ms. Braxton sang the song, and danced to it, VERY provocatively. HELLO?!?! Has she ever listened to the lyrics of this song before. I think she must have thought that they were going to perform Rick James’ Super Freak. The absolute best moment of the night had to be when she started "freak dancing" with Taylor, and (as any red blooded American male would do) he "obliged" her. The look on his face was priceless! It was like-what the heck are you doing?!?! It was so unbelievably funny!!!! Hands down, my favorite moment of TV this year, maybe ever.

Finally, the highlight of the night. No, not the announcement of the winner, but a surprise performance by... Prince?!?! W-H-A-T?!?! W-H-Y?!?! It was awesome, mainly, because Prince looks, dresses and performs EXACTLY like he did 20 + years ago. I guess he has been kept sealed all of these years in some magical Tupperware… too bad Meat Loaf wasn’t. I would love to know his secret.

~Meghan (wondering what she is now going to do with her life)

Oh, yeah, BTW- Taylor Hicks won! Duh! As you know, I think that he is such a deserving guy. He is sincere, lives for his art and wonderfully strange. Gosh, I hope that this doesn’t change him. SOUL PATROL!!!! WOO!!!!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Miller Time, 24/7!

70,000 bottles cans of beer on the wall...

My most recent passion is for news of the weird. I found a good one today. Apparently, when a Utah man vacated his rental home the landlord found an interesting surprise left behind... 70,000 beer cans! He had lived there for 8 years and had never threw away a can! It wasn’t Miller he was drinking, because every single beer can was Coors Light (at least he watches his waistline). According to my calculations, this gentleman consumed approximately 24 beers a day! This guy was hardcore! I say was, because he claims that he has quit drinking and now has a job. I wish Coors Light man all the best.

Gosh, I thought that I was a packrat...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dos and Don’ts for Protesting The Da Vinci Code

To protest, or not to protest... that is the question...

While I know that The Da Vinci Code is heretical and damaging, I still have not figured out how I exactly feel about the public protests. I almost feel that they might be more detrimental than helpful. Especially, if you go about this way-

I admit, I am BIG Catholic nerd- but give me a break! God bless you if you will be protesting, but to insight thought, instead of uncontrollable laughter, please DON’T-

1. Wear a red sash, any type of "flair" or regalia, or a suit that looks like something a door-to-door Bible salesman might have worn in the 1950s (or any suit for that matter).
2. Dress your small child in said uniform and force him to participate in protest. He will be made fun of at school the following day. (Never mind, I am sure that he is home schooled.)
3. Have a HUGE, expensive banner made that you can only use a few times. Instead, donate that money to a charitable cause.

What to do at a Da Vinci Code protest-

1. Dress like you normally would to go to the movies. (Ignore this if you usually wear a three piece suit and red sash to the cinema.)
2. Dress your children in similar manner, and DON’T force them to participate.
3. Put your heart and creativity in it. Go to a discount store, buy some poster board, and make your own homemade sign!

Now I feel guilty. I am know that these are good people... better than me, but you have to operate in the reality of this culture to attract earnest contemplation.

Think about it, won't you...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

In Defense of Jolie, Clooney, Oprah, Bono...

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know what you are thinking. Cynical, Meghan talking nice about these entertainment heavy hitters. Well, I am... get over it! A lot of controversy has surrounded celebrities who use their status to shine a light on their "causes." Many people ask if these stars really care about the world, or is it just a sick effort to attract publicity. I personally believe that most of these folks in the public eye have an earnest concern for their personal plights. The resent focus on the atrocities plaguing much of Africa has been so important. I was watching Oprah today, and her last guest was Sarah McLachlan. I have never been a big of a fan of Ms. McLachlan, but her most recent video, that she showed on Oprah, really gave me goose bumps. She was given $150,000 to make the video for her new song, World on Fire. Instead, she spent ONLY $15 on the video and gave the rest to needy causes around the world. The video shares some chilling information, including-

$5000 = Cost of hair and make-up for one day
one years schooling for 145 girls in Afghanistan

In LA, catering for a one day shoot = $3000
but this time $3000 bought 10,950 meals for street children in Calcutta

$16,500 = Directors fee
total running cost of a South African orphanage for one year

I urge you to PLEASE CLICK HERE to view the entire video and see exactly how far this nearly $150,000 went. It is AMAZING!!!! Go Sarah!

All of this has recently made me think of the Irish potato famine. One million Irish people died for no reason. My great-great grandfather was one of the one million who had no choice but to flee his ravaged homeland. He was orphaned… and only 11 years old. I recently viewed one of the only films completely focused on the potato famine, The Hanging Gale. It is available from Netflix, and if you have the chance please see it. Here is a small review I wrote-

A multitude of films have portrayed some of the most horrific events in human history- The Holocaust, slavery, the decimation of Native Americans, etc. In 1845 a blight attacked the potato crops in Ireland. In the years that followed one million perished, and one million immigrated from this small island. Many of these refugees found themselves in America. Pre-famine and post-famine, the Irish have played a major role in the building of this country. So how many films have been made focusing exclusively on the potato famine? In my extensive research, I found the Hanging Gale to be, almost, about it. This film starts slow, but in the end delivers an important message. Your heart will ache for the Phelan brothers (played by the real-life McGann brothers) and their family. I highly recommend this miniseries. I hope that Hollywood will take notice and pay some attention to this important moment in history, especially in a world where so many children are STILL going to bed hungry.
Especially as a student of history, I find it so very sad that history keeps repeating itself.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Why am I always so political?!?!

Currently, this country is dealing with some dire issues…

If you care about the world, you will pick up your phone in vote for TAYLOR HICKS as your next AMERICAN IDOL!!!!

I am so damn tired of these, so called, "perfect" singers with little actual musical talent- Beyonce, J-Lo, Nick Lachey (who BTW needs to shut the heck up about how hard is life is post Jessica), Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears (blahhh), etc… being looked up to as Gods (there is only one God, and his name is JC- Boo-ya)!

If you give a damn about the future of all humanity, you will vote for Taylor Hicks!!!!

He is original… believes in himself… doesn’t change who he really is… eccentric (gosh, you know how I ADORE eccentric)… and, last but, defiantly, not least,… he is SO ADORIBLE (in a grey haired, George Clooney… sort of… obscure kind of way… singing "You are so Beautiful" tonight… *swoon*)!!!!

Up to now, you may think that I am considering this a "light" message. NO, I AM SERIOUS. I am so tired of the media telling us what we are supposed to like. Especially, for young females this is a profoundly damaging message.

Don’t be plastic! Be like Taylor! Be yourself!

Even if you didn’t vote tonight, check out the season finale next Tuesday on Fox, and VOTE!

Now go out there and vote for a truly unique, mega talented musician, Taylor Hicks.

Did I ever mention that I hate trendy TV…

~Meghan (proud member of the SOUL PATROL)

P.S.- My prediction for the finale- Taylor and Catherine. Change the world with a vote for Taylor Hicks!!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Phat Cat

Our government in action, ladies and gettlemen... Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue (center) lets Sam the 45lb feline take a cat nap on his desk.

I caught this story on the local news today. I guess it was a slow news day.

Fat Cat Meets Governor
POSTED: 11:42 am EDT May 11, 2006
ATLANTA -- Governor Sonny Perdue is perhaps risking his political image by allowing himself to be identified with a fat cat. At 45 pounds, Sam, the Smyrna house cat is reputed to be the fattest cat in the U.S. On Wednesday, Sam visited the state capitol for a photo op with veterinarian Governor Perdue. The bemused governor asked “Who does this cat own?” That would be realtor Paul Webster and his wife Susan. The Smyrna Moose Lodge Riders were also there to meet the governor, but Sam clearly was the main attraction.There was some confusion over Sam’s gender. A flustered Susan Webster told Governor Perdue that Sam is a female. He’s a male.“She was nervous meeting the governor,” explained Paul Webster.On the other hand, Sam stayed calm and smug during the meeting. “Sam got to meet a lot of people today, so yeah he's getting pretty puffed up,” said Paul Webster. Sam’s owners insist all he eats is one cup of dry cat food each day, but he still tips the scales at 45 pounds. “I think his ego is making him bigger,” added Webster.
Copyright 2006 by

Oh, dear Lord.. someone has turned our governor into a gigantic cat!!!! Now that I mention it, Sam does have a strange resemblance to Sonny Perdue...

Wow! I thought my cat Fred was portly. He comes in at only a wimpy 17 lbs.- I guess he has a long way to go! I also don't know if I believe the owner's claim that Sam only eats one small cup of food a day. The news story added that it is really impossible to know if Sam is actually the fattest feline on the planet. The Guinness Book of World Records no longer keeps records for "fattest pets-" saying that it could encourage overfeeding-abuse just to get in the book.