The Busy Nothings Report

" was a quick succession of busy nothings... " - Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show." -Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

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Location: Waleska, Georgia, United States

Spiritual, Eccentric, Opinionated, Pale, Contemplative, Joyful, Benign, Ailing, Classical, Restrained, Complicated, Uncoordinated, Observant, Misunderstood, Wannabe Wit, Very Blessed

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Head 'em up, move 'em out... Texas Ranch House


Tomorrow night, Monday, May 1, PBS will be premiering its newest reality-based step-back-in-time program, Texas Ranch House, which takes place on a recreated 1867 Texas ranch. Here is a description from the PBS web site:

Transplanted into the actual living and working conditions of the era, outfitted with period tools, technology and clothing, a brave family and a diverse group of cowboys-at-heart discover how the myth of the American West meshes with reality -- and what the saddle-sore, rope-burned, and sun-blistered ranch life was really like.

Boy, that sure sounds like fun…

I really enjoyed previous versions of genre of programming that PBS has shown in the past, such as 1900 House, 1940s House, Manor House, Regency House Party (I would have loved to have taken part in that one), Frontier House and Colonial House. I refer to this programming as "reality TV for history nerds." Basically, participants are taken from their modern lives and are transported into a different historical period. They have to live, work, eat, etc. exactly as folk would in the time period that they have agreed to be placed in. The thing that I have always found surreal, is, yes, they step back in time, but they are being constantly documented by camera crews. Because of this… maybe not such a “pure” experiment. But, it is AWESOME to watch, and I guess that is the whole point. Texas Ranch House airs on PBS May 1-4.

Friday, April 28, 2006


I just posted something about this on a Jane Austen message board. I had not thought about it in so long, but it still makes me… so… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! (sorry)

The film adaptation of Jane Austen’s masterpiece Persuasion (1995) was so beautifully made. A very interesting fact about the movie is that this is what the original cover on the video (VHS) looked like.

I have no idea who these people are, because they are not even it the film! I guess the "powers that be" thought that Amanda Root and Ciarán Hinds *swoon* were not handsome, or sexy, enough to display on the cover. This made me infuriated at the time... and still does. Thank goodness this idiocy was corrected on the DVD cover.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Loves Me Some American Idol!

Okay, I will stop talking about political and religious topics and discuss something much more important… American Idol.

I hate trends. Most, especially trendy TV. Friends turned my stomach, I would rather have a root canal than watch The OC and I just don’t understand the mass appeal of Lost. I did give each of these shows a chance. (Sorry if I am offending anyone.) During the first season of American Idol there was so much hype that I really didn’t give it a chance. Well, during the second season I started watching, and I have not stopped since. For the past couple of seasons of American Idol my parents, my 91 year old great-aunt and myself huddle around the TV every Tuesday and Wednesday to catch the new episodes. I love that it is a show that you can watch with the entire Fam, which is almost an extinct phenomenon nowadays. I just watched Kellie get voted off the show. (YESSSSSS!!!!) I am not really sure how I felt about her. If she really is that ditzy I feel sorry for her, but if she is just playing dumb I despise her. Maybe despise was too strong a word. Her life story is really amazing and she does seem sincerely sweet. I hope that she is blessed in her music career. Who do I want to win? TALOR HICKS!!!! There is just something about this guy that is so endearing. Plus the fact that is an awesome singer… plus the fact that he has crazy cool grey hair… plus the fact that he is so eccentric. You know how I love eccentric. Yeah, Ace may look like a Greek God, but he was such a meathead. I would be very disturbed if he was still on the show. Though, his rendition of George Michael’s Father Figure was pretty awesome, but things went downhill for him after that. Who do I think will win? Well, I think that I would have to put my money on Katherine. I know she was not that great last night. Note to those ever on American Idol- NEVER sing any song by Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Barbra Streisand or Christina Aguilera. These women have the some of the best voices ever, and I have never seen a contestant end up with much praise for this move. It is setting the bar too high. Paris also made the same mistake last night. She sang a song by Babs and ended up in the final two. Withstanding, I still think Katherine has the mass appeal and talent to take home the prize.

But… I still want Taylor to win!!!!

Go Taylor!!!! I love you Taylor!!!! Soul Patrol!!!!

I will try to calm down now. (Go Taylor!)

~Meghan (who needs a life)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Austen Da Vinci Connection

All I have been hearing about lately is the controversy over the upcoming Da Vinci Code film. Certain groups (mostly Catholic) want a disclaimer at the beginning of the film to tell the audience that The Da Vinci Code is a work of FICTION. Actually, reading this book by Dan Brown is on my to-do-list. A BIG pet peeve of mine is people who protest books, films, etc. that they have not read or seen. I have read a lot of information about The Da Vinci Code, so I don’t think that I will be too happy with it. My problem, so far, with this book, and film, is people taking it for the Gospel truth (pun intended). I have personally seen this happen. This book is classified as FICTION, hence said film is FICTION. I just worry about those that have little knowledge of the Catholic Church and take it for fact.

The real hidden mystery is who in the heck talked Tom Hanks into the most unattractive haircut in human history?

Now, you are wondering what in the heck does this have to do with Miss Jane Austen? A LOT, in my humble opinion. As I am typing this, a film biopic of Jane Austen is being produced. It is entitled Becoming Jane, and is said to be based on the book Becoming Jane Austen by Jon Spence (yet, another book on my lengthy to-do-list). The American actress Anne Hathaway stars as Miss Austen, and the story focuses on her short romantic relationship with Irishman Tom Lefroy. This has caused a literal firestorm in the Janeite community, much like the uproar over Keira Knightley playing Elizabeth Bennet in last years film version of Pride and Prejudice (and we all know how that turned out… cough… Oscar nomination… cough… Oscar nomination). The doubts on Miss Hathaway’s ability to portray my beloved author, and the authenticity of the script has been EXTREAM. I am in the minority. I am a big fan of Anne Hathaway, and I have a lot of hope in her. She studied English Literature at Vassar, and she seems to have a basic love and knowledge of Jane Austen. Much like The Da Vinci Code, my Janetie brethren are greatly concerned that this film will be taken as truth concerning Miss Austen’s life and character. I can defiantly understand this, but I am very happy that the public will be exposed to anything remotely Austen. Just like the idea in the book The Jane Austen Book Club, Jane Austen fans have their own private idea of who she was. The more I investigate the life of Miss Austen, I find that there are more questions unanswered than answered when it comes to her life. As a history major, I have found more inaccuracies in historical film than I have truths. Historical movies are always very influenced by the ideas and mores of the time that they are filmed. Because of this, I am sure that poor late 18th century Miss Austen will be portrayed as an “independent woman” (throw your hands up at me… sorry, didn’t mean to get all Destiny’s Child on ya). If Anne Hathaway comes away with the basic essence of Jane Austen I will be very pleased, indeed. My “personal” Austen was a great comedian and wit who was way ahead of her time. I believe in my whole heart that Anne can pull it off. We will just have to wait and see. Thank God, one more thing for us Janeite spinsters to look forward to!

Anne Hathaway (Jane Austen) and James McAvoy (Tom Lefroy) recently filming a ballroom scene for Becoming Jane. Awww... too cute! I am such a sucker!

I am sure that this is my first of MANY blog posts concerning Becoming Jane. You had better hold on!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Too Poor for HBO

I am mad! The new miniseries about Queen Elizabeth I aired on HBO this weekend. I don’t have HBO, hence I won’t be viewing said program in the near future. It looks rather intriguing. It stars Helen Mirren, Jeremy Irons and *swoon* Hugh Dancy (though, his swoon factor was greatly reduced by his participation in Basic Instinct 2). I will just have to wait for Elizabeth I to release on DVD. I am still waiting for last year’s Rome

I can afford basic cable, so I will be watching the last episode of A&E’s God or the Girl tonight . The title is theological bunk, and I have to admit that in the first episodes I found a couple of the young men profiled a little… um… well… creepy. I have changed my mind during the last couple of episodes, and I now find them all amazing, and incredibly enduring. I am a practicing Roman Catholic and it is wonderful to see such devout young Catholic men. Great?!?! I am getting to that age where the “good ones” are either married or priests. Oh, well… I still highly recommend God or the Girl.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Rolling Tomes

I would like to thank Kim and Amy at Romancing the Tome for the gracious mention of The Busy Nothings Report in their blog! I have been a big fan of their blog for quite a long time. Romancing the Tome has great information about literary adaptations. Enough bonnets, buggies and even enough info on obscure British actors for even me! Thanks gals, keep up the great work!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Can't get Enough... Pride and Prejudice

I recently spotted these Pride and Prejudice 2005 promotional pics. I really like them, but Mr. Darcy looks rather... "Heathcliffian," and Elizabeth... very "bridal." Muy, romantic!

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Holy Week and Remembering Pope John Paul II

I am having a hard time believing that it has now been over a year since Pope John Paul II passed away. During this Holy Week, I have been reflecting on just how special, and remarkable, man he was. Pope John Paul forgave the man who shot him, suffered greatly in his later years and was such a guiding light to millions around the world. His Holiness had a strong devotion to young people, and they did to him. Every couple of years, the Catholic Church holds an amazing pilgrimage for young Catholics called World Youth Day. Tens of thousands of young adults, from all corners of the world, flock to that year's particular location of this pilgrimage. Though, I spent 6 years in youth ministry, I have yet to be blessed with a visit to World Youth Day. I pray that someday I will. One of the most beautiful events I have ever seen on television was, during the last few World Youth Days, whenever the Holy Father was addressing the crowd a beautiful chant would start within the throngs of participants- "JP2, WE LOVE YOU!" I saw one piece of footage where the Pope says back to this massive group, and to the rest of the world, "JP2, LOVES YOU TOO!" I personally believe that the future of the Catholic Church are teenagers. I admired Pope John Paul II for his commitment to the young, and letting us know how important we are to the church- and if we "let Jesus take the wheel" (sorry, didn't mean to get all Carrie Underwood on you) we can all be saints.

Two of the coolest people to ever walk the face of the Earth, Pope John Paul II and U2's Bono. During this meeting the Holy Father gave Bono a rosary (which, Bono says he always keeps with him at all times), and Bono gave the Pope a pair of his signature sunglasses (to view an awesome pic of Pope John Paul wearing the sunglasses click here.)

May I wish you a blessed Holy Week, Passover, Good Friday and a Happy Easter!