The Busy Nothings Report

" was a quick succession of busy nothings... " - Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show." -Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

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Location: Waleska, Georgia, United States

Spiritual, Eccentric, Opinionated, Pale, Contemplative, Joyful, Benign, Ailing, Classical, Restrained, Complicated, Uncoordinated, Observant, Misunderstood, Wannabe Wit, Very Blessed

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Postscript: American Idol Season Finale... FREAK SHOW!

I love Taylor Hicks, because he is cheesy- cheesy in a good way. Last night's American season finale was defiantly cheesy… but in (mostly) rather disturbing ways. None-the-less, it was still pretty darn entertaining. Here are just a few of my favorite freak show moments from the 2 hour broadcast. Most of these moments occurred when a few of the finalists sang duets with “established” artists.

Somewhere in the deep dark corridors of the refrigerator, rock-ballad recording artist Meat Loaf was found (ironically, behind a piece of month-old meatloaf), defrosted and shoved onto the Idol stage to perform with finalist Katharine McPhee. He pretty much looked like he had no idea where he was, or what he was supposed to be singing. Poor Kat! She looked like a deer in headlights, but she did a very good cover for Loaf. The whole stunt was flippin’ awesome!

Rocker, Chris Daugherty performed with his favorite band, Live. Though, I wasn’t really sure who was Chris and who was Live's front man Ed Kowalczyk- talk about separated at birth!!!! It was beyond obvious that Mr. Daugherty had studied every nuance of Live‘s lead singer- down to his voice inflection, stage presence and "Mr. Clean" bald head. Maybe Chris is a lab-created clone of Mr. Kowalczyk? I always thought there were strange things a foot with Live after the release of their album Throwing Cooper. They just got weird, especially Ed Kowalczyk. Hmmmmmm...

Former Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken, surprised an obsessed, look-a-like, tone def Idol hopeful with a duet of his own. (BTW, the kid went ape sh*! when he relized that he was sharing the stage with his idol.) Clay was sporting a new haircut that looked as though it was modeled after Tom Hanks' Da Vinci Code hairdo... only creepier... if that is possible.

Then there was the man of soul, Taylor Hicks (whom, I have dubbed, "The Cabbage Patch George Clooney"), singing his duet. This is where it really gets good. Taylor sang the song he did during Elvis week; the extremely poignant, In the Ghetto- accompanied by Toni Braxton... dressed like an angel... who happens to be a striper... what the heck?!?! (Wait for it- the best part is coming.) Ms. Braxton sang the song, and danced to it, VERY provocatively. HELLO?!?! Has she ever listened to the lyrics of this song before. I think she must have thought that they were going to perform Rick James’ Super Freak. The absolute best moment of the night had to be when she started "freak dancing" with Taylor, and (as any red blooded American male would do) he "obliged" her. The look on his face was priceless! It was like-what the heck are you doing?!?! It was so unbelievably funny!!!! Hands down, my favorite moment of TV this year, maybe ever.

Finally, the highlight of the night. No, not the announcement of the winner, but a surprise performance by... Prince?!?! W-H-A-T?!?! W-H-Y?!?! It was awesome, mainly, because Prince looks, dresses and performs EXACTLY like he did 20 + years ago. I guess he has been kept sealed all of these years in some magical Tupperware… too bad Meat Loaf wasn’t. I would love to know his secret.

~Meghan (wondering what she is now going to do with her life)

Oh, yeah, BTW- Taylor Hicks won! Duh! As you know, I think that he is such a deserving guy. He is sincere, lives for his art and wonderfully strange. Gosh, I hope that this doesn’t change him. SOUL PATROL!!!! WOO!!!!


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